What is the status of the data model development?
The data model team began beta testing of the pre-release version of the model on March 17, 2011, and plans to incorporate Beta Program feedback into the final release version. We encourage you to register for our Beta Program and download the beta today.
Can I upgrade to the latest version of the data model from a previous version?
Yes. The final release version of the data model will include instructions for migrating your data to the newest version. Please contact us if you need help upgrading now. In the meantime a list of changes is each version of the data model can be found on our Release Notes page.
What if the data model does not include all of the features I need?
The APGG would like to work with you develop additional features for the data model. Custom functionality can be added quickly by the data model team so you can continue on with your work.
Can I use the data model with my existing plant records database?
Yes. While not all of the popular database software has been tested with the data model, most systems should allow for read-only access, and some provide for read and write access. We are currently working on a customized solution for read and write access toBG-BASEdata.