A geographic information systems (GIS) integrates hardware, software, data, and skilled users to allow us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many formats that help us answer questions and solve problems in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.
The Alliance for Public Gardens GIS is a consortium of biological collection managers and GIS professionals who are dedicated to making geographic information systems more accessible to arboreta, botanical gardens, cemeteries, display gardens, historic landscapes, natural reserves, parks, theme parks, zoos, and other managed landscapes for use in asset management, biodiversity conservation, education, and scientific research.
Since 2007, the UC Davis Arboretum has led international team to develop GIS tools and resources to help public gardens manage their collections and operations more efficiently and effectively with funding provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
- Find funding to support your GIS project through IMLS and our ArcGIS for Public Gardens grant program with Esri.
- Learn how to use GIS at public gardens through our online and instructor-led workshops.
- Get started creating your GIS with the ArcGIS Public Garden Data Model.
- Share your maps with staff, visitors, and researchers with our Collection Researcher web application.
- Find help with your GIS project through our professional network and consulting services.
- Connect with other public garden GIS users through our social networks.